When it comes to large size and volume runs where you are matching up with steel counters your first and only choice should be a revolutionary MSRD T-series composite die.
Our lightning-fast customer service team is ready to tackle your challenging order today, so reach out at [email protected] or visit our website.
T-Series Composite Dies feature:
• Extreme flatness resulting in significantly reduced make ready times
• Durable and lightweight materials, re-rule up to five times
• Will not warp, grow or shrink with temp or moisture
• Aligns seamlessly and reliably with steel
Not running with steel counters? You will still want a tool that goes on cutting long after other dies have deteriorated. Your press operators will love the reduced weight and how flat the tools are on press. Rayform dies are often a two-man operation, but not MSRD’s T-Series, which can be handled easily by a single operator.
Pound-for-pound nothing beats our stability for in-rack storage. When your operator grabs the T-series off the rack, in a year, they will have the same dead-flat die ready for hassle-free alignment.