Look No Further than the Most Trusted Name in Die Making: Milwaukee Steel Rule Dies

You can count on Milwaukee Steel Rule Dies to make high quality flat steel rule dies, including folding carton dies, leather cutting dies, kiss cutting dies, decal dies, gasket dies and pop display dies. We can also produce steel rule dies as small as one inch by one inch or as large as your press can handle. We can dovetail the wood together to create any size required so there is no limit on the size we can manufacture.

5 Critical Reasons You Should Choose Milwaukee Steel Rule Die

  1. Quick Turn Time: The printing/packaging industry becomes more demanding and complex every day. The need for better quality, faster turnaround time, and competitive pricing is not a luxury; it’s a requirement. To increase speed in our process we inventory over 1,000 die items in stock, work with multiple logistics companies, and employ numerous quality checks throughout the die-making process to ensure the die is correct and delivered on time the first time. Our new generation 2000-watt laser burns 55 inches per minute and cuts the production time dramatically to produce a die cut board with the same accuracy you would expect from your optician. Although we don’t do eyeballs, we do produce extremely accurate flat steel rule dies. Order one today and feast your eyes on our magnificent artwork.
  2. High-Quality Products: Time is money, so spending more time doing make ready than your competitor gives your rival the advantage. Our Lasercomb laser has a unique pulsing feature to make a perfect burn, so the steel rule die is not warped or cupped causing the press operator extra time to setup. When you purchase a flat die, it should be flat. Pulsing to burn is a critical component we have in our arsenal that very few diemakers can claim to provide-this keeps the die flat to the chase. Faster burns and accurate burns may be the wave of the future for some shops but for Milwaukee Steel Rule Dies it’s just what we do.

    Our experienced die makers have extensive backgrounds in printing, packaging and folding carton work this knowledge helps them quickly offer suggestions to improve die cutting speeds. We know how to get the job done right by performing quality checks between each step of the process and one final review before the product is prepared for shipment. With our state-of-the-art CNC equipment, we prove day-in-and-day-out that quality, accuracy, and craftsmanship are our top priority, creating beautiful custom dies now and for years to come.

  3. Investment in Equipment and People: From our CEO, John Fischer, right down to every member of the MSRD team, we believe in providing a clean, organized, safe workplace. When visitors walk into the building, they can easily see that everyone here cares and takes pride in their work environment. We have made investments to serve our customers better, including moving to a brand new building, purchasing the latest and greatest equipment, and assembling the right team. This means you know you are working with a company that adheres to the highest quality standard by a team you can trust.
  4. Industry Experience: As the saying goes, “Information is not knowledge. The only source of knowledge is experience.” We have many years of experience under one roof at MSRD. For starters, our CSR/Sales team has multiple years of experience in die-making production for printing and packaging industries and have produced dies for all 50 states. The first person in our company who sees your die line knows precisely what they are looking for to produce an accurate die. The CSR’s will ask for material thickness, material type and the quantities you are producing to tailor the die to your specific needs. They make it easier for our seasoned die makers to produce the perfect leather cutting dies, flat dies, or any type of steel rule die needed. Our logistics manager has the know-how to get your dies to you fast and free of damage.
  5. Clean Shop: Most die shops are old, dirty, dusty places. We may be a CNC/manufacturing shop, but that doesn’t mean we have to look like one. When we moved to the new location in 2020, we wanted to prioritize cleanliness and organization. We take pride in our workspace to ensure it’s a welcoming place for all who walk tour. You won’t be disappointed when you come to visit!

Quality Dies Start with a Quality Company – Choose Milwaukee Steel Rule Die

Don’t be left scrambling for a die when you can work with the knowledgeable staff at Milwaukee Steel Rule Dies. We have the experience you can trust to design, build, and ship your dies in a timely fashion and exceptional quality. We’re happy to answer your questions and walk you through the process.

Contact our team today at 262-649-3541, or email [email protected] for all your die-making needs!

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